Adam makes stars, telescopes and minimalism way too cool.

I haven’t met someone so geeky before. The closest maybe is one of my former classmates Mark (who has just finished a degree in Psychology and now off to med school, and one of the coolest persons I know; yey, congratulations Mark) who reads a lot and knows a great deal about Literature, Psychology and other stuff.

Adam presents a nice take on profiling a geek and his interests on astronomy and the sciences per se, his mental condition (Asperger syndrome), his coping with the loss of his father, his attempt with love and life.

The movie is played by a really good lead (Hugh Dancy). To me introverts are really fascinating with their behavior somewhat unpredictable and their wise description to things as they’re naturally keen observers.

This movie also takes us to understanding the behavior of the ones with Asperger syndrome. I realized how well they do with details.

Then there’s this dilemma about the girlfriend’s father who’s an accountant. The father gets into legal trouble and Adam unknowing and unapologetic due to his condition blurts unnecessary comments. He was so honest that if the comments were directed to me I would have done something ill to Adam.

This movie has really cute gimmicks like Adam cleaning the windows in a spacesuit, and Adam and Beth (Rose Byrne) watching raccoons on a cold night at a park.

However, this movie was quite not received well commercially. Nonetheless, this is quite a winner in some movie festivals as Sundance.

The feeling is quite sad so this is worth watching maybe after a break-up and you still want to linger on that sadness, or after traveling somewhere and you somehow miss the place.


For more info about this movie, we have:

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