Movies Seen 1: At Any Price, Chloe, Frank, Miracle in Cell No. 7


*Images used are properties of their respective owners – the movies’ production companies and distributors. 

At Any Price (2012). A family drama about infidelity, business and dreams. Zac Efron stars as an aspiring race car driver, and Dennis Quaid as his father who tries to make their agricultural business work.

Chloe (2009). A psycho-thriller about a doctor conniving with her husband’s alleged mistress. Julianne Moore stars as the wife; Amanda Seyfried as a bisexual prostitute; and Liam Neeson as the husband.

Frank (2014). A comedy-drama about a pianist-songwriter’s experience joining an eccentric rock band. Michael Fassbender stars as Frank, who does not take off a cartoonish helmet; Domnhall Neeson as  the pianist-songwriter; and Maggie Gyllenhaal as Frank’s girlfriend and fellow band member.

On a personal note, at first I did not like how the movie went, especially the first hour. It was too eccentric and weird for my taste. But towards the end, there was a change in mood and tone, and sense just came through.

Sometimes we see other people’s craziness and eccentricities as going nowhere, but they somehow know better where to go than we do.

Miracle in Cell No. 7 (20133). A Korean crime family-drama about a prisoner wrongfully incarcerated for a crime he did not do.

This had a good plot and good acting, except for the corny bit towards the end.